? ??????????????Green Fumes? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (219 Ratings)??5275 Grabs Today. 69173 Total Grabs. ?
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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Neighborhood

Welcome to Crown Heights!!! LOL. Well my neighborhood isnt one of the quietest. Yeah it has its calm moments but it never stays that way for long. Something is always going on. Its either someone getting rob or a fight broke out at the corner. Just recently, my block has been banned from having any blocks parties. The reason for this is because over the summer we had a BBQ and it got a little out of control. Cars were driving backwards down the street, People were getting drunk, Kids were running wild, Teens were smoking, and the music was way too loud and could be heard 10 blocks away. It was fun i had to admit. We even had the fire hydrant open because it was too hot. So we cooled down by the hydrant. But over all, i love where i live. It has its up and downs but i still have a great time. ^_^ Also, across the street from my building is this long wall full of graffiti. It looks really cool!