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Thursday, March 11, 2010

MLK Speech

In 1967, there were many race issues that people had to deal with. The biggest problem that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr fought against was racism. He believed that all Americans whether they were black or white should be able to live together in unity and peace. He believed that African Americans should be able to have equal rights to those of white men and women. Although it was a hard struggle he still persevered and fought for his believes. But sadly he was assassinated and didn’t get to see his dream come true.
During his speech he talked about to Americas. He quoted “ One America is beautiful for situation and the other is filled with an ugliness" Martin Luther King is trying to get his message across to people that if we work together to put our differences aside we could live in the America he quotes as “beautiful”. That America is the dream he wants to make reality. The one were everything is unified and together. The other America is the one he lived in. The one he lived in was full of racism, hatred, and segregation. Blacks weren’t treated equally and this brought about his “I had a dream” speech.

Racism is hatred towards another ethnicity, race, or religion. In his speech he made clear that when we viewed the negative experiences of life, African Americans had a double share. There were twice as many unemployed and the rate of infant mortality among them was double that of whites. In elementary schools, African Americans were one to three years behind whites, and their segregated schools received substantially less money per student than the white schools did. One-twentieth as many Blacks as whites attended college. And of employed Blacks, seventy-five percent held menial jobs.