? ??????????????Green Fumes? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (219 Ratings)??5275 Grabs Today. 69173 Total Grabs. ?
?????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????3?? ????????????????????? ??????Sound Wave? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (56 Ratings)??5199 Grabs Today. 50350 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Ge BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Independent Project

Independent Project

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Listen to Mr Williams

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Thursday, May 20, 2010

US Tour in New York

CommunityWalk Map - US History

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Weekend Post: Community Walk

CommunityWalk Map - Weekend Post May 7th

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I used a new website called Glogster and Glogster is a cool website where you get to make and customize pictures of your own. When making a glog you can include grapihcs....images...videos....and voice recordings. Its easy to sign up and most importantly its free. So try it out and see if you like it . click here to visit the site....below is a glog that i created with Glogster and i enjoyed it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

My Art Work Over The Weekend

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What I See By: Crystal Mojica

I look at you I see yhur eyesz
yhu look at meh yhu see mii smile
the touch of ya lipsz
leadin 2 a stunnin kiss
sweet, soft, a gentle bliss

wen I close mii eyesz
shadowsz dark as the black night sky
wen I open mii eyesz
I see yhu standin here
lookin sweet, cute, lovable, sincere

always walkin from class 2 class
seeing yhu in da hallzs as we pass
touch my waist , touch mii face
loving the feel of ya gentle grace
At da end of da daii
I like 2 here yhu saii
''I luv yhu''
cuzs yhu best no I do 2

The link below is my poem voiced.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

You By: Crystal Mojica

U remind me of a boy that i once knew
See his face everytime i look at u
U wont believe all of the things he put me through
This is why i just cant get with u


Thursday, April 22, 2010


Thursday, March 11, 2010

MLK Speech

In 1967, there were many race issues that people had to deal with. The biggest problem that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr fought against was racism. He believed that all Americans whether they were black or white should be able to live together in unity and peace. He believed that African Americans should be able to have equal rights to those of white men and women. Although it was a hard struggle he still persevered and fought for his believes. But sadly he was assassinated and didn’t get to see his dream come true.
During his speech he talked about to Americas. He quoted “ One America is beautiful for situation and the other is filled with an ugliness" Martin Luther King is trying to get his message across to people that if we work together to put our differences aside we could live in the America he quotes as “beautiful”. That America is the dream he wants to make reality. The one were everything is unified and together. The other America is the one he lived in. The one he lived in was full of racism, hatred, and segregation. Blacks weren’t treated equally and this brought about his “I had a dream” speech.

Racism is hatred towards another ethnicity, race, or religion. In his speech he made clear that when we viewed the negative experiences of life, African Americans had a double share. There were twice as many unemployed and the rate of infant mortality among them was double that of whites. In elementary schools, African Americans were one to three years behind whites, and their segregated schools received substantially less money per student than the white schools did. One-twentieth as many Blacks as whites attended college. And of employed Blacks, seventy-five percent held menial jobs.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Teen Depression

Many young teens suffer from stages of depression. There are different types of depression such as: Maniac Depression & Seasonal Depression. Major depression, also known as clinical depression, and chronic depression also known as dysthymia, are the most common types. Some signs of depression are :

  • difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions
  • fatigue and decreased energy
  • feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness
  • feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism
  • insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
  • irritability, restlessness
  • loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex
  • overeating or appetite loss
  • persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment
  • persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings
  • thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts

The Niagra Movement

At the dawn of the 20th century, black Americans were facing increasingly precarious circumstances. Throughout the South, state legislatures were effectively stripping black men of their civil and voting rights. A legal system of Jim Crow racial segregation had taken root. And, blacks were increasingly confronting the ropes and pyres of white lynch mobs. Correctly sensing the mood of whites, both North and South, and of many blacks, Booker T. Washington advanced a program that he believed would enable the two races to exist in peace and prosperity. Washington suggested that blacks should cease struggling for integration and political advancement, and instead focus on becoming economically self-sufficient.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Valentines Day

This Valentines Day was pretty dull. I got the regulars gifts but not from the one i wanted the most. But hey, good things come to those who wait. ^_^ Maybe this year I would be with the one i want to be with after Valentines day. But anyways, i recieved lots of gifts, such as roses, chocolates, a necklace, and cards. They were all thoughtful gifts. THANK YOU!

Bodily/ Kinesthetic Learner

Today in ELA i took a survey to find out what type of learner i was. After the survey it classified me as a bodily/kinesthetic learner. That means i work well with using my body and skillful with hands on projects. I think its true. Because i learn best when its hands on and i get to move around. I get bored easily so this deffinately helps me learn better.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Science and Technology

Throughout the United States, Americans have struggled to make their lives a lot easier with new technology. This came about the Industrialization Era and the Westward Expansion. Both are examples of periods in US History that were supported by science and technology.
The Industrial Era was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport had an effect on the US. Industrialization is the growth of factories and industries. It started with the mechanization of the textile industries, the development of iron-making techniques and the increased use of refined coal. Trade expansion was made by the introduction of canals, improved roads and railways. The introduction of steam power fuelled by coal, wider use of water wheels and powered machinery increases the production capacity.
As the growth of factories increased so did the work force of immigrants contracted. In the factories the workers were paid for work that they produced rather than hours they worked. With the new technology and machines, it increased the amount of work an individual could do. Although the new technology increased efficiency, the work environment was unsafe, unsanitary, and ruled by the clock.
The Westward Expansion was a period of exploration and expansion. After the War of 1812 America turned to exploration and settlement of its territory to the West. Most of the population Immigrating were either exodusters, former plantation owners, or small farm owners who could not afford the North or East, or small farm owners who could not afford the North or East. They also came for greater economic opportunities and for religious freedom such as the Jews and Russians.
The West offered Government Grants, Great Plains, and job opportunities. When they reached the West (Russians, Jews, Chinese, Italian, and Polish) they lived in urban ghettos and worked in factories, sweat shops, coal mines, drilling for oil, railroads, and servant/housework. The increase in immigrants also increased the amounts of ghettos and tenements. The challenges they faced were assimilation, competition, and language. The immigrants had to learn English, face discrimination, and compete with African Americans in mining, dry farming, wind milling, and mechanical reaping.
Science and New Technologies helped better the lives of many Americans in the United States. The Industrialization Era and the Westward Expansion were examples of how technology and science caused positive and negative effects on American life during the 1800s. These periods opened up many doors for Americans in the United States for those who needed a new beginning.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Super Bowl xP

HEY!!!! The Saints won the super bowl. I was watching it with my cousins and we were betting on which team would win. At first i wanted to say the Colts but i changed my mind to the Saints. And sure enough they won! Colts 17 and Saints 31. What a turn out huh? Well my cousins were highly upset but oh well =p. i still won the 30 dollars and had a good weekend. BTW got a new aim sn. sm3xciidollxD hit me up!

Kid Tazered At Basketball Game

News hit local newspapers and new channels about a kid getting tasered at a basketball game.The incident happened outside the gymnasium at Monessen High School during a game with Washington High Friday.Two girls from competing schools began fighting in the hallway, The Pittsburg CW reported.Officers say the fight escalated to the point where players became involved.After reviewing the video taken during the fight, police are expecting to file disorderly conduct charges.

I think the fight wasn't necessary and the police officer didnt have to taser the kid. He could have just held him down or something. Now that the kid was tasered, charges are going to be pressed. shame on them!

Monday, January 18, 2010


OMG finals are comming up and i am so nervous!! if i dont pass the finals for all my classes that means SUMMER SKEWL. i dont wanna go to summer skewl so ima make sure i study and do wat i gotta do to make sure i pass ny finals. well my mom wants me off the labtop so bye bye for now LOL


Lately i been doing some thinking. Have you ever had those moments when you sit down and think about all the things that happened and wished you could make some different? well i noe i have. Like today ive been thinkin bout so much. theres this person that i cant get off my mind. its like all the good times together are a thing of the past but are still longing to come back. its really hard lettin go of someone you loved sooo much. smh wow