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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Animal Cruelty

I hate it when people abuse or abandon animals. I feel so bad for them. There not like people. They cant survive if we didn't give them a hand. Many animals that are abused or abandoned die. And that's the sad part. If i could, i would take in every animal that gets abused or abandoned. But unfortunately i cant. My mother only lets me do one animal at a time. So far i have taken in two abandoned animals. A small bunny and a kitten. But i have had the bunny for 6 years. So it got old and died. I was sad. But this year a baby kitten was found abandoned in the hallway of my building. It was crying and i felt so bad for it. So i begged my mom to let me keep it. Eventually she said yes and i cleaned the kitten up, gave it food, and made it a little bed. The next month we took it to the vet to make sure it gets all his shots and everything. He even got neutered. Poor kitten. LOL. Now Toby "my cat" is now big and healthy. And most importantly it has a home.